Diversity Interventions
The title of my doctoral thesis was "Exploring interpersonal and inter-group diversity dynamics in South African organisations from a theoretical perspective". I continue to be passionate about helping South Africans move forward on their reconciliation journey and offering my services in diversity interventions. South Africa is one of the countries with the most diverse people in the world. People come together in the workplace from a vast array of cultural backgrounds and religions. They hold different beliefs and perceptions about issues such as politeness, social correctness, generosity and time. They speak different languages and they have different dietary laws, dress codes and cultural traditions. Organisational leaders face the challenge to create an inclusive corporate culture that will be conducive for all the different people to perform well in.
Moreover, the complex unresolved emotions that some individuals in South Africa have experienced since democratisation continue to carry conflict potential that should better not be underestimated.
Diversity interventions are aimed at creating a safe space in which employees can explore their differences, learn about the negative impact of stereotyping, exclusion and discrimination, and learn to value the crossing of boundaries, inclusion and compassion in diverse settings.
Diversity interventions include Valuing Diversity workshops, Managing Diversity workshops, and the implementation of workplace forums to sustain the ongoing transformation in the workplace.
Moreover, the complex unresolved emotions that some individuals in South Africa have experienced since democratisation continue to carry conflict potential that should better not be underestimated.
Diversity interventions are aimed at creating a safe space in which employees can explore their differences, learn about the negative impact of stereotyping, exclusion and discrimination, and learn to value the crossing of boundaries, inclusion and compassion in diverse settings.
Diversity interventions include Valuing Diversity workshops, Managing Diversity workshops, and the implementation of workplace forums to sustain the ongoing transformation in the workplace.