Human Change Enablement
Organisational change often goes wrong because the human response to change is ignored or totally underestimated, as if humans are machines with on/off switches. Change management often focuses on training and communication, with little attention given to employees’ level of acceptance of changes, the need to let go of the past, anxiety about the unknown, and need for opportunities to debrief. The understanding and buy-in of employees into change, as well as their ongoing experience of being a valued resource, are important enablers of change.
Human change enablement works best if it is planned alongside change programmes with appropriate human interventions. Interventions include, but are not limited to
Human change enablement works best if it is planned alongside change programmes with appropriate human interventions. Interventions include, but are not limited to
- Facilitation of opportunities to dialogue proposed changes and explore the consequences, both intended and unintended;
- Facilitation of debriefing sessions;
- Counselling services; and
- Training of change agents inside the organisation to understand and deal with the human response to change, which will enable future human change enablement.